Priming -- at last!

Today I got a very strange look from my neighbour's kid. He spotted me through the window as I was preparing the primer, wearing the respirator. I hope I didn't scare him.

It is great to be able to paint on a rainy day with temperatures in the 40s (Fahrenheit). The paint booth works like a charm; the only missing bit is a stand for the paint gun. I have a hook on the wall, but that is too short. Should be easy to fix. Now if my spraying skills were on the same standard as the booth ...

I have primed the rudder skeleton and the elevator stiffeners. Maybe I can do the elevator skins tomorrow.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Hendrik Hoeth published on February 26, 2011 5:16 PM.

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Deburring right HS skeleton is the next entry in this blog.

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