Building in the living room has advantages, but also drawbacks. One major drawback is that I can't prime inside the house, and now in winter I also can't prime outside. So I have decided to build a paint booth. I have a small room that qualifies as "bedroom" in this country, even though there is no way to fit a standard sized bed into it. So far I had used it for storage. Now it will become my top-of-the-art paint booth:

The plan is to use battens and thick plastic foil to construct a booth, and to install a fan that blows the fumes out of the window. I only use waterborne paint, nothing flamable, so the fan doesn't have to be explosion proof. Here is the fan (yes, I'm using safety wire to hold it in place):

To give you an idea where the fan will be located:

You can see that I have covered the floor with fiber board to protect the carpet. The boxes on both sides of the fan are closed with fiber board on the back and on the outer sides. The top and front will be covered with a filter to keep the overspray away from the fan; same for the front face of the fan. The downstream side of the fan (pointing upwards) will get a fiber board channel to the window.