Another productive day! Today I started by fluting the HS ribs (except HS-404 and HS-405 for which the location of the holes is not yet known):
When the ribs were fluted, I spent an hour staring at the drawings, the instructions and the parts to visualize the next steps. I don't feel like messing up parts by drilling in the wrong spot, not keeping proper edge distance, or any other stupidity. When I was convinced that I know how to continue, I marked and pilot drilled the forward flange of the HS-405 ribs. This is where the HS-405, HS-404, the front spar and the two front spar angles join, and edge distance on the HS-404, HS-405 and HS-810-1 matters:
Finally I put the pieces for the left side of the HS together and drilled all the rib-to-spar holes (yes, this is the left side, it's just upside-down on the table):